In een animatievideo wordt uitgelegd wat ZonMW doet in kader van de Corona vaccinatie aanpakt voor kwetsbare groepen. On screen text: ZonMw stimuleert gezondheidsonderzoek en zorginnovatie VOICE-OVER: "Vaccinations are in full swing. But for people who are immunocompromised the vaccine may barely work, or not at all. ZonMw's COVID research programme includes several studies into the efficacy of the coronavirus vaccine in these vulnerable groups. Like transplant patients or people undergoing chemotherapy or people taking immunosuppressive medication. These studies complement the research by vaccine producers and the RIVM. The joint approach and the national and international collaboration work to accelerate the research and its results. ZonMw also involves policy makers at the Ministry of Health, the RIVM and the Health Council of the Netherlands as an independent advisor. The goal: to act as quickly as possible to protect vulnerable groups. Research is expected to find low-responders and non-responders: people whose immune systems don't or barely respond to the vaccine due to immunosuppressants, chemotherapy or congenital defects. To protect these people from infectious diseases such as COVID-19 additional 'booster' vaccinations may be a solution. So their third or fourth jab of the coronavirus vaccine. Researchers are looking into the efficacy of boosters and other solutions. This is how ZonMw and its partners work to find actionable solutions to protect vulnerable groups against COVID-19." To learn more, go to our website: On a blue and white screen, the ZonMw logo appears. On screen text: Stimuleert gezondheidsonderzoek en zorginnovatie.