Basic principle 3: Always install updates [Translation of the Dutch text on the screen] Why? Because all systems contain vulnerabilities, or weak spots. [We see a person behind a laptop on a bureau – visibly stressed. The screen reads "presentation". A notification pops up: "security updates", with two buttons, "install now" and "remind me later".] Say, you don't take the time to install new security updates. [We see the cursor arrow move towards "remind me later" and clicking it.] Malware and viruses are designed to use those weak spots. If you postpone updates, you leave the door wide open for cybercriminals. [Split screen: {left} Our main character is driving a car (going to a customer). The right part of the screen shows a hacker behind a computer showing the Presentation screen. He presses "block access".] And that can cause unpleasant surprises. [We see our main character shaking hands with a customer. In the next shot, this person is trying o give a presentation on a large screen, connected to the laptop. On the large screen we see: "Access denied".] You don't want that in your business. You can prevent this. If you take action. [Now we see the film rewinding (with sound and visual effects of a rewinding videotape)] By installing security updates as soon as they are launched. [We see the starting screen again: this time, we opt for "install now". And the main character, giving their presentation for the customer without any problems, receiving applause.] Want to know more about protecting your business devices from cybercrime? Go to Digital Trust ["Find out more?"]